A. Understanding Sports Psychology
1. What is Sport Psychology?
Psychology is the science which studies human behavior in relation with the environment, ranging from simple to complex behavior. Human behavior is conscious, but some are not realized, and the behavior of a person who appears to originate from outside or from within himself.
Science of psychology applied also to the sports field then known as sports psychology. Application of psychology into the realm of this sport is to help for sports talents that exist in a person can be developed as well as possible without any barriers and factors that exist in her personality. In other words, the general purpose of sport psychology is to help someone in order to display optimal performance, better than ever.
2. Why Necessary Sports Psychology in Sports?
Increased stress in the game can cause athletes to react negatively, both in terms of physical or psychological, so the ability of exercise to decrease. They may become tense. increased pulse rate, cold sweat, worried about the game, and they feel hard to concentrate. This situation often leads to the athletes not to show his best game. The coaches also took an interest towards the field of sport psychology, especially in controlling stress.
Sport psychology is also needed for athletes to think about. why they exercise and what they want to achieve? Once the goal is known, the psychological skill exercises to help achieve that goal.
3. How Sports Psychology Can Help Athletes To Have Mental Tough?
Mentally tough, as well as engineering and physical, will be obtained through the exercise of a planned, orderly, and systematic. In fostering psychological or mental aspects of athlete, first of all need to realize that every athlete should be considered individually, one different from the others. To help recognize the profile of each athlete, can do a psychological examination, commonly known as "psychological test", with the help of psychometric.
Psychological profile athletes usually a picture of kepnbadian in general, intellectual potential. and he thought the power function associated with exercise. Profile athletes in general do not change much from time to time. Therefore, people often assume that talented athletes can ditelusun candidate solely from psychological profiles. Such presumption is wrong, because the psychological picture of a person does not guarantee success or failure in performance in sports, because many other factors that influence it. Some psychological aspects can be improved through psychological skills training (described later) in planned and systematic, whose implementation depends on the commitment of the athlete to the program.
B. Psychological aspects of that role in Sport
The influence of psychological factors on the athletes will be seen clearly when the athlete is competing. Here are some psychological problems most often arise in sporting circles, particularly in relation to the match and during exercise.
1. Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is intended as a way of thinking that leads toward something positive, look at good terms. This needs to be conditioned not only by athletes, but even more so for the coach who trained him. Familiarize yourself with positive thinking, it will affect very good for growing self-confidence, increase motivation, and has worked with various parties. Positive thinking is a major capital can have psychological or mental skills are formidable.
Positive thinking will be followed by action and positive words as well, because the mind will guide the action. For example, if in playing badminton comes to negative thoughts like, "scared of, scared out, afraid of the ball punch responsibility" and so on, then chances are there will be greater. Therefore, try and get used to always think positive, avoid negative. Similarly, in giving instructions to the athletes. Instead of saying: "You are hard to still taught ..., one continues ...! Watch out, do not stop before it can!", It's better to say it in a positive way even if it mean the same: "Come on, try again slowly, you could do it. Note, his hands, like this ... deliberations, over here ... hit the ball, here ... let's try. "
As a trainer, show you believe that your athletes have the opportunity to be able to do well. Ridicule, criticism, and scathing criticism that is not in place, it will make the athlete will react negatively and result in lower motivation followed by a decline in achievement.
2. Goal Setting
Goal setting (goal setting) are the foundation and mental exercise. Coaches need to help each athletes to set goals, both goals in training and in matches. Target start and target long-term, medium-to short-term goals more specific.
To set goals, there are three conditions that need to be remembered for that goal is useful, namely:
a. Goals should be challenging.
Targets should be determined in such a way, so that athletes can feel challenged to achieve those goals.
b. Goals must be attainable.
Make the target was quite high, but not too high. Athletes should feel that the target set that can be achieved if he tried hard. If the target is too high, so the athlete feels impossible to achieve, then berlatihnya motivation will decrease. Similarly, if the target is too easy to be achieved, then the athletes felt no need to train hard because he will be able to achieve these aims.
c. Goals should be increased.
Starting from a relatively low target, then make this goal increasingly higher, more difficult to achieve if the athletes do not train hard. In each latihanpun accustom to always have goals to be achieved. And the target of a general nature, and more specifically described again. And the target for a long-term competition, describe the target or targets the short term, until the target for each exercise. The target set, should be also determined when to achieve, and how also how mengukumya or what size it objectively. Wherever possible, make a graph of the achievement of this target to be seen clearly the direction and improvement.
3. Motivation
Motivation can be viewed as a process in a person to do something in an attempt to achieve certain goals. Strong motivation indicates that the person is embedded within a strong urge to do something.
Judging from the functions of self-esteem, motivation can be distinguished between motivation that comes and external (extrinsic) and the motivation that comes from within themselves (intrinsic). With the psychological approach is expected to athletes in every appearance to show strong motivation to play your best, so it can win the game.
A good motivation is not basing his encouragement on extrinsic factors such as prizes or awards in the form of matter. But the motivation is good, powerful, and longer settling is intrinsic factor which is based on personal desire that more major accomplishment to achieve self-satisfaction rather than material things.
To develop this intrinsic motivation, the role of coach and parent is very large. Coaches need to approach and foster confidence in the athletes in a positive way. Teach athletes to be able to respect ourselves, therefore, the coach must show that he appreciates the work of athletes consequently.
4. Emotion
Emotional factors in attitudes regarding athletes and athlete personal feelings about themselves, coach or other things around him. The forms known as feeling emotions like happy, sad, angry, anxious, afraid, and so forth. The forms of these emotions are in every person. However, to note here is how we control these emotions so as not to hurt yourself.
Controlling emotions in sport games is often the deciding factor of victory. The coaches should know clearly how emotions athlete care, not only in games but also in practice and everyday life. Coaches need to know when and what items can make athletes angry, happy, sad, scared, and so forth. Thus, coaches should also find the data to control the emotions of the athletes care. which of course will differ between athletes who are one with the other athletes.
Emotional turmoil can disrupt the balance psikofisiologis such as trembling, abdominal pain, muscle spasms, and so forth. With the disruption of the physiological equilibrium concentration will be disturbed, so that athletes can not perform optimally. Often an athlete experiencing tensions that peaked just before the game started. So great is the tension until she does not do well prefix. Especially if the opponent can press and spectators were not sided with him, then to imagine an athlete will not be able to play well. Concentration will be dispersed, a strategy that had been prepared not to run, even he does not know what to do.
This is where the need to learn the ways to overcome the tension (stress where-gement). Before the coach tried to overcome the tension athletes. must first know the sources of these tensions. To find out, it is necessary to good communication between the coach with the athletes. The following describes separately on the aspects related to emotions.
5. Anxiety and Tension
Anxiety is usually associated with feelings of fear of losing something, failure, guilt, fear of disappointing others, and other unpleasant feelings. Anxieties that make athletes become tense, so that when he plunged into the game it is certain his performance will not be optimal. To that end, has been widely known variety of techniques to overcome anxiety and tension that its use depends on the kind of anxiety.
In an effort to be able to cope with tension and anxiety, especially in the face of the game, do some of the following techniques:
a. Identify and locate the main sources and the problems that cause anxiety.
b. Simulation exercise, ie exercise under conditions like in the real game.
c. Try to remember, think and feel again the times when reaching the best performance or the most impressive.
d. Do progressive relaxation exercises, which stretch alau relaxation of certain muscles systematically within a certain time.
e. Otogenik exercise, namely the form of relaxation exercises that systematically think about and feel the parts of the body as a warm and heavy.
f. Do deep breathing exercises with breathing through the mouth and nose and breathe consciously using the diaphragm.
g. Listen to music (to divert attention).
h. Conversation, are in social situations (to divert attention).
i. Make positive statements about yourself to do something that takes time.
j. Others that can reduce tensions.
6. Confidence
In sports, confidence has definitely become one of the determinants of success of an athlete. Problem of lack of or loss of confidence on the ability of self-will result in athletes perform below their ability. Therefore the real athletes do not need to have any doubts about his ability, as long as he has been training seriously and have adequate experience to compete.
The role of trainers in growing self-confidence is very large athletes. Conditions for to build self-confidence is a positive attitude. Tell the players where the strengths and weaknesses of each. Make a training program for each athlete and help them to set targets in accordance with its ability to target can be achieved if the exercise carried out with great effort. Give constructive criticism in making an assessment of the athlete. Remember, even negative criticism would reduce confidence.
If the players have worked hard and played well (although losing), show your appreciation as a coach. If players defeat (especially not with playing well), he confronted the reality objectively. That is, let what has been done correctly and what is wrong, and show how it should be. Meet the players who had just suffered defeat must be done as soon as possible as compared to see players who just scored a victory.
7. Communication
Communication in question is two-way communication, especially among athletes with coaches. Problems often arise in terms of establishment less good communication between the coach with the athletes is the emergence of misunderstandings that cause athletes to feel unfairly treated, so do not want to be open to the coach. Further result is a reduction in trust athlete to coach.
To avoid communication barriers, coaches need to adapt the techniques of communication with the athletes while the principle of individual attention. Openness in terms pogram exercise trainer will help establishment of good communications, provided done objectively and consistently. Athletes need to be understanding about the purpose of training programs and functions for each individual.
Before the exercise program is run, it should be explained and made regulations regarding the discipline of practice and other rules including clikenakan sanctions in case of violations of regulations that have made it. So, avoid to impose a sanction that has not been notified in advance. For example, an athlete to drink Coca Cola in the practice, and then punished by the coach. Athletes are confused and wondering why he was punished because he never described earlier by the coach that in a practice forbidden to drink soft drinks.
Similarly, in terms of implementation. Rules that have been created, it must be executed consistently. That is, if an athlete convicted of violating certain rules, so if there are other athletes who violate the same rules he should receive the same punishment. Similarly if the same athlete to do it again in the future.
Coaches also need to be objective and positive thinking. Being objective means being consistent with the fact or facts is without menyangkutpautkan with other things. If the coach was angry against the athlete by the athlete example came late in practice, then it only punish athletes for his delay, not associated with other things (remember, the sentence should have been listed in order of exercise).
8. Concentration
Concentration is a state in which awareness of one's focused on an object tententu within a certain time. The better one's concentration, then the longer he can perform the concentration. In sports, the concentration is very important role. With a reduction or disruption of the concentration of athletes during training, let alone a match, it will arise various problems.
In sports, the most frequent problems arising from the disruption of the concentration is reduced accuracy of the throw, punches, kicks and shots that miss the mark. As a result of reduced further if the accuracy is a strategy that has been prepared to be no roads, so the athletes finally confusion, not knowing what to play how and would trust him would be reduced. To avoid such circumstances, it is necessary to concentrate the exercise.
9. Self-Evaluation
Self-evaluation is intended as athletes attempt to identify circumstances that happened to himself. This needs to be done for athletes to know the weaknesses and strengths at the past or at present. Equipped with this knowledge of his situation then the player can place targets or target practice game and how to measure it. Other uses are to evaluate the things he has done, making it possible to repeat the best appearance and prevent the recurrence of poor performance.
Therefore, the coach should instruct athletes to have a logbook of training and matches. Ask players to write down the advantages and disadvantages of self, both in terms of physical, technical, and mentally. Then Correct if you think as a coach there are things that are inappropriate or missing.
Make it a habit for athletes to fill the book regularly. Encourage athletes to write in his book, things that are essentially as follows:
- Target long-term, medium-and short-term in training and matches.
- Something to do and think about before practice or game.
- A movement or an impressive appearance.
- Notes about the weakness and strength of opponents faced and strategies that will deal with it.
- Results and the game.
- It is disturbing emotions or make an appearance so bad.
- Awards are available on a success.
Make sure that the book is filled regularly by every athlete. But keep in mind that the coach should not be too forced to read the diary of an athlete. Let it become part of their personal and confidential. What needs to be monitored by the coaches is that athletes have the material for himself to conduct the evaluation.
C. Match Preparation
After the athletes trained physically, techniques, strategies, and mentally with the right exercise program, then to test the results of his training is to lterjun into the game. Of course it is expected that every player will be able to display all abilities learned and practice. However, players often appear in the bottom of the form, meaning it can not display the entire capacity at the time of the match.
To cope with things like the above, necessary to create a situation that supports the achievement of optimal performance and do perwapan mentally to face a match for the athlete to show all his abilities, so that peak performance is reached.
There are four important stages in preparation for the match, namely
(1). Prior to game day
(2). On game day
(3). As the game
(4). After a day of the match.
Here's the description of sample preparation for the game of badminton:
1. Prior to Match Day
a. Collect data about the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent. If makes it possible, turn the game footage. Then craft a strategy to deal with it. For multiple players, discuss strategy with their partner.
b. Monitor the progress of athletes, both physically and mentally by observing how the level of concentration, how the rhythm, timing, power, and the smooth running skills and his attitude to training in general.
c. Monitor the athlete's anxiety level by looking at the expression on his face whether bright or gloomy: if his eyes tired or fresh and alert. Also note his mood, how the quality of sleep and eat, whether he suffered psychosomatic factors such as abdominal pain, muscle pain, shortness of breath, fever, cough, cold sweat, and so forth.
d. At the moment did not exercise, make sure that athletes do not "live and think" about the game 24 hours Sehan. Provide a fun activity for him who can give happy atmosphere, so that he could divert his mind for a moment from the match.
e. One day before the match, usually quite mild exercise alone and do not need to be on the field too long. On the evening before the match, go to sleep at the right moment, do not need to sleep too quickly. Before sleep, do relaxation exercises and visualization. If the match is done tomorrow morning or afternoon, prepare the tools perperlengkapan matches, including a change of clothes and equipment reserve this night for tomorrow not in a hurry. Make sure all in good condition.
2. On Match Day
a. Waking up at the right time, the night had to sleep enough and not excessive. Then do the routine activities of daily habits, such as worship, prayer, stretching, breakfast (note when to eat and what to eat), relaxation and visualization exercises, re-examine the game equipment including back up. Start today with a happy, optimistic, and think positive.
b. Went into place at the right match. Calculate the distance to the game, how to get there, kemacetannya and so forth. No need to go too fast, but do not be late, so there's no time to rest, adjustment and heating.
c. In place of the game where the coach needs to recognize athletes who are near his friends and which ones prefer to be alone. Make sure the field where the athletes who will compete, do not forget to report to the committee. For the first game, make sure the athletes have memorized where the changing rooms, toilets, medical room, doping tests, where instead of strings, and so forth.
d. While warming up, athletes should increase the level of `spirit 'dlan keep thinking positive. Coach can remind the strategy to be implemented at a glance. Make a stroke with full concentration which then can proceed dengan'visualisasi fixation and relaxation.
3. At Compete
When the match comes, is not the time anymore to think about hitting techniques or how to go. It's all been trained in the practice and had lived in the visualization. Now it's time to stay repeating events that have been visualized and do so in accordance with the current situation. Now is the time to fully concentrate only on the ball and the game.
Encourage athletes to:
a. Monitor fixation and adjust the level of anxiety, do relaxation.
b. Focus solely on the game that is being undertaken. The new errors or have occurred, a clan that might occur should not be ignored.
c. Think positive and optimistic, do not let negative thoughts.
d. Do not be too much to analyze.
e. Play with the rhythm of its own, do not carry the rhythm of the opponent.
f. Running a strategy that has been prepared. Do not be modified if the strategy works. Perform a brief evaluation, if the strategy does not work, do the adjustment with an alternative strategy has been prepared.
g. Avoid negative things like, blame themselves unnecessarily, talking about themselves excessive, negative thinking, doubting the ability of fixation and surrendered before the game finished.
h. If you play well, do not ask why the fixation and any change; let it run that way. Do not loosen if you're leading (leading the match), the clan does not need pity if the opponent gets zero.
4. After Match Day
a. Have the athlete record things that feel posisitf or negative effect on his performance in the match earlier. Not only of technique, tactics, strategy clan, but also a mental nature, even the other little things. Record these results in the user evaluation of the athlete.
b. Evaluation of appearance in the match earlier. Did reach the target?
c. Decide whether there should be adjustments to the exercise program.
d. Focus on the positive aspects of the appearance in the match.
D. Coach As a coach Mental Athlete
Coaches in sports can have a function as a maker or executive training program, as motivators, counselors, evaluators and are responsible for all matters relating to coaching them. As an ordinary human being, a coach as well as athletes, have a unique personality that is different from one another. Each coach has its advantages and disadvantages, therefore there is no ideal or pure coach sempura.
In filling the role as coach, a person must engage completely with athlete care. That is, a coach is not just merely take care of issues or matters relating to the exercise alone, but the coach also must be able to act as friend, teacher. parents, counselors, psychologists for the athletes even care. Therefore, it can be expected that the athlete as an individual seeking to develop achievement, will have the full confidence of his coach.
Deep involvement between the coach with athlete care should be based on the existence of empathy tersebut.Empati athletes and coaches to coach this is the ability to be able to appreciate the feelings or state of athletes, which means the coach can understand athletes in total without losing his own identity pnbadinya. To understand the state of athletes can be obtained by knowing or knowing the important things that exist in the athlete concerned. Saia to the degree necessary knowledge was not enough for the coach to know the psychological state of athletes. Basic and attitude will understand the state of psychology is understanding coach athletes that everyone has special characteristics that require special handling also in connection with development potential.
A coach's personality can also shape the personality athletes who become their care. The most important thing must be embedded trainer to athletes is that athletes believe in the coach that what was programmed and conducted by the trainer is for the good and progress of the athlete's own. To be able to gain the trust of athletes, coaches are not enough to just ask for it, but must prove it through words, deeds, and sincerity. Once the athletes believe it is as heavy as any coach who made coach program will be run by the athlete in earnest.
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