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Basic Technique

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

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Basic Technique

If aspires to become an elite badminton players or excel, it must master a variety of basic play badminton correctly. Therefore, only by diligent practice of capital, discipline, directed under the guidance of a qualified coach well, to master the basic techniques of playing badminton is true.

However, in order to play badminton, a player must be able to beat anyway, either from above or from below. The types of strokes that must be mastered is the service, lob, dropshot, smash, netting, underhand, and drives. All types of stroke must be carried out using the correct grip and footwork. This book teaches the basics of practical guidance on types of stroke.

1. Racket Grip (Grip)

Badminton was known as the sport that much use of the wrist. Therefore, whether or how to hold the racket will largely determine the quality of one's punches.

One of the basic technique of badminton is very important ruled correctly by all candidates victory over the racket handle. Master the ways and techniques racket handle that very well, is an important capital to be able to play badminton well too. Therefore, if the racket grip technique wrong from the start, hard to improve the quality of the game. Correct racket grip is the foundation to develop and enhance all types of punches in the game of badminton.

How to handle that right is the racquet racket must be held with the fingers (finger joint) with a flexible, relaxed, yet must remain powered when the strike kok. Avoid holding the racket with how to use the palm of the hand (like holding a machete).

Racket Grip Type
Basically, the known number of ways racket handle. However, only two forms of handles that are often used in practice, namely how to hold the racket forehand and backhand. All types of stroke in badminton done with these two types of grip.

Two kinds of how to hold a racket on top, in fact used interchangeably depending on the situation and condition of the game. For the initial stage of the beginners are usually taught how to hold the first forehand, then backhand.

In the end for the already skilled players will be seen the handle of his racket just one grip. This occurs because the shift of the handrails to the backhand and forehand on the contrary are few and occur automatically.

Correct racket handle, and harness the wrist when hit really, can improve quality and accelerate the pace of the course of blows really. This means, already use energy more efficiently but effectively. That's why, since the early trainees should familiarize strike kok using wrist force (power whip).

How to Hold the Racket forehand
1. Hold the racket with his left hand, racket head sideways. Hold the racquet in that way "handshake". Form a "V" hand placed on the handle of the racket.
2. Three fingers, namely tengan finger, and pinkie sweet racket grip, while the index finger slightly apart.
3. Put three fingers between the thumb and forefinger.

How to Hold the racket backhand
For the backhand griop, slide the "V" hand to the inside. Located next to the inside. thumb pads located on the racket handle wide.

How to Exercise
Before practice exercises blow, need to do exercises for adaptation to move their wrist while holding the racket properly.
1. Trainees familiarized always hold racket with your fingers, flexible, and remain relaxed, but still have power.
2. Perform movement axah racket to the right and left, with the use of the wrist. Likewise, movement forward and backward, so that was really the bending of the wrist.
3. Move your wrists up and down.
4. Hitting the ball (how) to the wall.
5. Bounce ball.

Mistakes Happen
a. Hold the racket with a grip, the fingers and parallel meetings.
b. Position "V" hand is in the grip of big racket.

2. Footwork
Footwork is the foundation to be able to produce high quality punch, when done in a good position. To be able to strike with either position, an athlete must have a speed of motion. The speed of footwork can not be achieved if his footwork is not regular.

3. Attitude and Position

Attitude and Position Stand on the Ground
Attitude and position of standing on the ground must be such, so that with a good attitude and perfect it, can be quickly moved to all corners of the field of play.

Several factors must be considered:
1. Must stand in such a way that body weight remains with both feet and still maintain the balance of the body.
2. Bend both knees, standing on the toe, so that the waist position remains upright and relaxed. Both feet shoulder-width apart with your feet parallel or one foot placed in front of other foot.
3. The two arms with elbows bent at a position beside the body, so that the upper arm that holds the racquet remained free to move.
4. Racquet must be held so that the head (the leaves) was higher than the racket head.
5. Always be alert and notice the way why during the game progresses.

Attitude and Phase Step Foot Work
The attitude and the right foot steps in the game of badminton, are very important ruled correctly by each player. This is a requirement to improve the quality of hitting skills kok.

Several factors must be considered:
1. Always stand with the attitude and position just above Iapangan.
2. Do Iangkah motion forward, backward, sideways right and left when hit right, while keeping the balance of the body.
3. Motion Iangkah sliding fast, very effective as an attempt to strike kok.
4. Avoid standing with your feet on the floor (step) at the time of waiting for the right, or when they move to strike kok.
4. Hitting Position

The position hit the ball or often called preparation. That there is a second time on the preparation is also used to determine the blow of what will be done. Because of that position is very important preparation is done by either in the effort to produce high quality punch.

Things to consider:
a. Overhead (top) to right handed
- Position the body sideways to the direction of the net. Position your right foot behind the foot kid. At the time of hitting the ball should occur burden transfer weight from right foot to left foot.
- The position of the body must always be behind the ball that will hit.
b.Untuk underhand stroke (bottom) / net
- Position your right foot strike is always in the front and rear legs on the kid.
- Knees bent right leg, so that your thighs a bit down the bottom. Kerendahannya accordance with the height of the ball to be hit. Meanwhile, when the ball struck the foot position kid had to stay behind and just move forward a bit.
c. For the forward-backward footwork

How to Exercise
1. From the middle to the front, as a basic step only two steps starting with the left foot then right.
2. From the middle to the rear.
3. From front to back and vice versa.

Mistakes Happen
1. In the ready position, not footstool in front of the foot. As a result, the reaction becomes slow.
2. The position of the knee straight, not crooked.
3. On hitting the foot and body position parallel to the net. Consequently blow was not strong.
4. In the underhand position, left foot in front, balance and foot no ball hard mengarahakan properly.
5. Knee / thigh did not go down, coverage is less, slowly back to the middle of the field.

5. Service (Service)

In badminton the game rules, the service is the initial capital to be able to win the match. In other words, a player can not get the numbers if can not do service well.

However, many coaches, players also did not give special attention to practice and master these basic techniques. Therefore, the attitude is a big mistake. We know that the rate / points in a game of badminton will not be created, if the players are not adept at doing service properly.

In the game of badminton, there are three types of services, namely the short service, high service, and Flick or service a half high. However, service is usually incorporated into the type or form of service forehand and backhand. Each of these types of exercise vary according to the situation on the ground game.

Forehand service

a. Short forehand service
- The purpose of this short service to force the opponent to not be on the offensive. In addition, opponents were forced on the defensive.
- The variation of the direction and objectives of this short service can be trained in a serious and systematic.
- How should hit with a relatively short racket swing.
- At the time of a hit to the head (leaf) racquet and really, in a state bent elbow, to avoid the use of wrist, and watch your weight transition point.
- How to practice is to use a number of kok and done repeatedly.

b. High forehand service
- The type of service is mainly used in a single game.
- Kok should be beaten with full power to really soar and fall perpendicularly on the back of the field lines opponent.
- When hitting the right, both feet hip-width apart and both feet always contact with the floor.
- Notice the racquet swing movement. Backwards, forwards, and after a stroke, should be performed perfectly well and followed the motion transition point weight from the hind legs forward kekaki which must be directly continuous and harmonious.
- Get used to always concentrate before hitting kok.
- Only by practicing diligently and repeatedly tirelessly, to mengusai high forehand service technique with otherwise good.

Backhand service

These types of services in general, the direction and the fall really close as possible to the line of attack opposing players. And why retatif close as possible float on the net (net).

Therefore, the type of service is often used by multiple players.
1. Standing posture is the right foot in front of left foot, right foot with the tip leading to the desired target. Both feet hip-width apart, knees bent, so with an attitude like this, point weight is between her legs. Do not forget, stay relaxed posture and concentration.
2. Racquet swing is relatively short, so why only driven with the aid of weight shift from rear to front foot, with continuous motion rhythm and harmony. Avoid using excessive force wrist, because it will affect the direction and accuracy of punch.
3. Before performing service, consider the position and attitude of standing opponent, so it can direct the kok to the right target and appropriate estimates.
4. Get used to train with the lot number kok and repeatedly without knowing boredom, until they can master the movements and skills of these services with intact and good / excellent.

Also, to note the existence of service regulations. Here are the rules of how to serve out the wrong and right.

Service is False:
1. At the time of hitting the ball, head (leaf) racquet higher or parallel to the racquet grip.
2. The point of a hit anyway, head (leaf) racket is higher than the waist.
3. The position of the foot stepping on the center line or front.
4. Left foot to step.
5. Right foot step before kok beaten.
6. The series of swing a racquet and hitting really should not be interrupted.
7. Service recipient moves before the service really was beaten.

A service that's right:
1. At the time of hitting, tigngi head (leaf) must be below the racquet racket handle.
2. Perkanaan really should be below the waist.
3. Static left leg.
4. Legs only shifted, but not separated from the soil.
5. The series of racquet swing, must be in one series.
6. Service recipients to move shortly after the service hit.

6. Return Service

Service return techniques, very important ruled correctly by each player of badminton. Kok Navigate to the area the right side and left field corner of the opponent or the opponent's front or back of the field. In principle, with proper placement kok, your opponent will move to strike kok, so is forced to abandon its strategic position at the midpoint of the field.
1. In a single game, opponents lob service should be restored with hard punches and high technique to one corner of the back of the field opponents, or by using "short stroke" (short drop) into the opposite corner of the front field.
2. Avoid doing "smash hard", when standing at the position at the rear of the field itself. Therefore, the position at that time or less beneficial, if the spike can be returned with the accurate placement or targeted by opposing players.
3. In a double game, should really hit quick directional, and direction of blows constantly swooping down onto the field toward the opponent or the opponent's body.

7. Underhand (blow from Bottom)

This blow dominant type used in the game of badminton. Like the basic techniques of "blow from the head", to master this basic technique, first of all, must be skilled running while performing the step width, with the right foot in front of the left foot to reach the fall of kok.

The attitude of this reach, the elbow should be in a state bent and maintain posture remains erect, so that your right knee in a flexed state.

At the time of strike kok, use of elbow and wrist strength, until this blow-up of the movement ended in the upper left shoulder. Consider, for right foot remains in contact with the floor while reaching out why. Do not let the motion of steps is hampered because the left leg restrained movements.

The function of these basic strokes, among others:
- To restore the short strokes or net game opponent.
- As a way to survive severe beating opponents attack. In stressful situations in the game, must make the rescue blow by lifting really high into the area behind the opponent's field.
- The blow can be done with this basic forehand and backhand technique.

Practice an effective way to master this basic technique, is to create an atmosphere to train with the team to beat kok directed relatively far from reach. Practice diligently and always evaluate their own mistakes made, so as not to be repeated again.

There are two kinds of underhand blow:
1. Clear underhand, aimed a blow or push it high to the rear.
2. Flick underhand, blow or push horizontally toward the rear.

Points to Look For
1. Racket grip underhand forehand to forehand, and backhand grip for backhand underhand.
2. Wrist slightly bent back, elbows slightly bent as well.
3. While the right foot forward, swing your racquet back and then at the ball and at the time of a hit ball, hand positions straight.
4. The ball struck roughly the right foot near the outside.
5. Position the end of the racket in the direction of the ball.

How to Exercise
For the beginner stage, throw a lot of bait with the ball. For coordination at the ball, stepping right foot.
8. Overhead Clear / Lob

Focus more to master the blow overhead lob it, because the technique is much the same blow lob smash technique and dropshort. The blow overhead lob is a ball that was hit from above the head, its position is usually from the back field and is directed upwards at the rear of the field.

There are two types of overhead lob:
1. Deep lob / Clear, high ball into the back.
2. Attacking lob / Clear, the ball is not too high.

Points to Look For
1. Use the forehand grip, hold the racket and its position next to the shoulder.
2. Sideways body position (vertically) with the direction of the net. Position your right foot behind left foot and at the time of hitting the ball, should occur displacement body weight from right foot to left foot.
3. Body position should be sought always fallow behind the ball.
4. The ball was hit like a throwing motion.
5. At the time of a hit ball, hands should be straight. Position the end of the racket follow the direction of the ball, Ialu released, was falling in front of the body racquet.
6. Lecutkan wrist (racquet) when hit the ball.

How to Exercise
1. For the beginner just learning, you should first exercise by feeding them with the throw the ball. The goal that beat timing can be obtained. For simplicity, can be used count (1. Position prepared; 2. Swing; 3. O'clock).
2. For a tool to get used to the movement and get hit the right timing, use a hanger that can really set height.

Points to Look For
1. The position of the same preparation with normal overhead.
2. Because, usually the ball were not far behind our heads, to reach them, the first body that is rotated with the right foot back, then lompatkan right leg while the body and rotated to reach kok racket in the back of the head, resulting in the displacement weight.
3. After the beating, the left foot landing first, on the front feet (somewhat tiptoe), the body must bend forward.

9. Round The Head Clear / Lob / Drop / Smash

Is a ball overhead (above) who was beaten on the back of the head (the side next to the ear kih). Compared with the usual overheads, hit on the back of the head is relatively more difficult. Because to be able to blow (technique) is required extra leg strength, flexibility, footwork is good, and coordination. Usually this is done in a forced blow because to do so should be with the backhand.

10. Smash

That blows overhead (above) which is directed downwards and be done with full power. The blow was identical as punch attack. Therefore the main goal to shut down opponents. The blow is a blow hard smash that is often used in the game of badminton. Characteristics of this stroke are: loud, really fast way to rate Iantai Iapangan, so that this blow need aspect of leg muscle strength, shoulder, arm and wrist flexibility and the harmonious coordination of body movement.

In a practice game, smash hit can be done in silence / stand or while jumping (King Smash). Therefore smash hit can be:
- Punch full smash - smash cut Punch - Punch Sines backhand - smash circular blow on the head

Technique is gradually smash hit every player must master it perfectly. The benefits are great to improve the quality of the game.

Points to Look For
1. Get used to move quickly to take positions at the right time.
2. Note the racket handle.
3. The attitude of the body must remain flexible, keep your knees bent and concentrate on really.
4. Perkenaan racquet and why in the head by straightening the arms to cover why it is as high as possible and use power wrist when hit kok.
5. End range of motion with the motion at the Ian-shock perfect racquet swing forward body.

11. Dropshot (Punch Cut)

It is done like smash hit. The difference in the position of a hit with the racket when kok. The ball hit with a drive and a smooth touch. Dropshot (blow cut) is good is when the ball drop close to the net and do not cross the double line.

Characteristics blow this piece is, how sentiasa falling near the net in the opponent's field. Therefore it must be able to do a perfect blow with a variety of attitude and position of the body from the corners of the field of play. Factor racket handle, fast footwork, body position and weight transfer process of harmonious at the time of hitting a critical success factor of this blow.

The attitude of early preparation and the motion was not different from the blow hit smash. In the implementation of this cutting blow, was placed kok on opposite corners of the field as closely as possible a net, with variations of body feinting and racquet and the racquet before a hit anyway, which causes the opponent late anticipates and reacts to the sudden arrival of kok.

Points to Look For
1. Use the forehand grip. Hold the racket and its position next to the shoulder.
2. Sideways body position (vertically) with net direction, position your right foot behind left foot. At the time of hitting the ball, should occur displacement body weight from right foot to left foot.
3. Body position should always strived to be behind the ball.
4. At the time of a hit ball, hands should be straight, reaching the ball and push it with subtle touches.
5. To forehand opposite direction, hit the ball Iengkungan the right and left curved the ball to the backhand goal.
6. Position the end of the racket in the direction bola.Biasakan move quickly to take positions at the right behind the kok.
7. Notice of motion step and balance the body during and after the strike kok.
8. Kok should be hit with a straight arm position and only use a small power.
9. The blow cut contains aspects of motion and motion smoothness deceptive.

12. Netting

Is beating out close to the net, directed as close as possible to the net, hit with a touch of subtle energy. Netting a good punch is if the ball was hit soft and thin twisted close to the net.

Characteristics of this basic technique is really always fall rolling as closely as possible with a net in the opponent's field. Coordination footwork, arms, body balance, racquet and why current position of a hit, and their powers of concentration are important factors affecting the success of this blow.

Hold the racket with your fingers (finger joint), wrist remains relaxed, head position (leaf) Iantai racquet parallel to the racquet at the time of a hit and why that must be considered during the process of beating the net progress. In addition, the attitude and position of the pivot foot must remain firmly flat on Iantai, with right knee bent, so that no additional movement that could affect the balance of the body.

Points to Look For
1. Racket grip forehand to forehand and backhand to backhand net addition to the net.
2. Elbows slightly bent and wrists bent slightly backward.
3. At the time of hitting, right foot in front and the ball was hit at the highest possible position.
4. Shortly before a hit ball, make a small tug and wrists. Hit the ball on the right and left curved section to the bottom of the ball. End racket head facing or parallel to the ceiling.

How to Exercise
1. Stand about two steps from the net while holding the racket.
2. Presenter threw kok consecutive to the net and you try to hit it really.
3. Perform this exercise on the right and left alternately.
4. Increase workout intensity factor and difficulties in a way while moving.
5. The direction and blow the target to form a straight, cross or in a way that really pushed in different directions.

13. Smash Return

It is a blow that is more synonymous with the defense pattern. However, good returns can smash into a counterattack.

The types of returns smash:
1. Returns short, the return on which the ball fell near the net. Many occur in a single game. The goal is to force the opponent to run away.
2. Return drive (horizontal), is mostly done on a double game. The goal is to not give your opponent a chance to attack.
3. Returns the length, which returns the ball towards the back again. This blow blasanya can only be done by players who are skilled and have strong wrists.

Points to Look For
1. Ready position (stand), see the section footwork.
2. To return from the forehand, if close biosa done with a single step right foot, tatapi if remote, may need to be done first small step from the left leg.
3. For backhand return, when near the first small step can be done from the left leg. However, much may be done aapbila first small step of the right foot.

14. Backhand overhead

This blow could dlkategorikan most difficult, especially for novice players. Because the biomechanical techniques require not blow it the perfect co-ordination of limbs, as well as mastery of grip and good timing.

Without those three things, even great power can not produce good quality punches.

Points to Look For
1. Do position slap with racket in hand position.
2. Rotate the body, with the right foot behind left. Knee and right elbow slightly bent.
3. The series hit the start of swing the racket (near the elbow into the armpit) push with the hips and elbows become straight. The movement ends with a lash wrist.
4. The second method, a series of blows at the top (No. 3) can be done while the right foot, and swing the racket. Right foot had landed at the time the ball was hit.

How to Exercise
Train movement without the ball first. To simplify the tool can be used, namely gantuingan timing really as high as an athlete

15. Drive

It is fast and flat punches are widely used in games or double. The goal is to avoid the opponent attacks or otherwise compel the opponent lift the ball and are on the defensive. This requires skills blow grip, Sepat reflexes and wrist strength. This blow will be taught further at a later stage.

As a Basis Points to Look For
1. Racket handle with a grip / quick move.
2. In addition to shoulder strength, use the "crack" on the wrist as the ball was hit.

How to Exercise
1. Use a heavier racquet or a bottle containing sand to train the wrist strength.
2. Train reflex drive blow left / right into the wall.

16. Variation Stroke / Tactics Games

Once an athlete had mastered how to hold a racket, mastering footwork, and all tekni basic (basic stroke) with both, then the next can vary as a blow. In other words, on one type of good position to make a few choice blows. For example blow overhead, in addition to lob with little change direction grip and racquet / racket rotation, could make good on underhand position, in addition to pass up netting can also do the flick.

Mastery of basic strokes and variations will be felt all the benefits at the start of play in a game (a matter). Think what tactics can be deadly for your opponent and win the match. Here is some tips and tactics game.


In a single game, you could say had the upper hand if always be able to:
1. Doing a blow with the position of always being behind the ball.
2. Already in the middle of the field before the opponent hit the ball.
3. Instead try to quickly be in position before your opponent hit back to the middle. In this position means ready to conduct deadly attacks.

To be able to do all three things above, the player must memillki regular and quick footwork. And rapid movements that can last for a long time is required sufficient stamina. Therefore, fast footwork, regular, and strong stamina to be a dominant factor required a single player.


Memllikl double game demands a somewhat different with the single. A player who was not good footwork but has the speed and reflexes and power that big blow, it could be a good doubles player.

Although essentially the same mastery of a single blow, but a good single player can not necessarily be a good doubles player. Because the double game has a special type of punch. Quick blow as drive, smash, smash return, serve, and wiping (sweep) is a type of stroke that wajlb and must be controlled by trampll.

In the doubles game is the philosophy which says "Who can attack in advance he would win." Philosophy This is the average held by each player double. This is seen in the character of this double game right now who think that a good defense is to attack.

Also doubles is a game that relies on cooperation. The blow must be designed, then turn off your opponent with a blow to the result of cooperation.

Models, Motion and Appearance Variation
Elite Indonesian Badminton Players

Kunggulan and top achievements in the sport of badminton, go through the training process in a long time. Aspects of continuity, the application of systematic training, training programs are designed well, the support of adequate training facilities and training to create a pleasant atmosphere, is laktor-supporting factors that have been created at institutions Indonesian badminton.

Here are some examples and models that describe how the training environment training system must be addressed, enjoyed, and realized by trainees as a tool / means to achieve peak performance.

Perbulutangkisan Indonesia recorded history, many players who have good skills with one another and different from each other.

Type, characteristics and styles of play Rudy Hartono, Lim Swie King, Icuk Sugiarto, Lius Pongoh, Tjun Tjun, Johan Wahyudi, Christian Hadinata, Ade Chandra, Tony Gunawan, Candra Wijaya, Iie Sumirat, Ricky Soebagdja, Rexy Mainakai, East Minarti, Susy Susanti, etc., each rich with different varlasi blow. Those skills are acquired through rigorous training process.

"Do not think about the final result is achieved, but think about the process of the correct practice."

Variations blow in coaching badminton, laden with an attractive appearance of motion, concentration and technical skills are stunning.
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